Sunday, January 25, 2004

Martha Talks

This, from Martha Stewart's website ( dedicated to preserving her honor in the face of her legal troubles:

"As my trial begins, I am hopeful and optimistic that I will be exonerated and able once again to devote my full attention to developing and promoting the creative homekeeping ideas that so many loyal customers and supporters have come to rely on for inspiration in their own kitchens, gardens and craft rooms."

My craft room was severely lacking before Martha Stewart arrived on the scene. It may again lack that extra oomph if she is convicted. Just something to keep in mind.

Thursday, January 22, 2004

Of course the Republican party needs hipsters!

I wrote something to that effect last year in the "Maroon," but no one listened, and Republicans remain clean-cut as ever. No, the Dems have all the cool people, including Mr. Rufus Wainwright, coolest of them all. How to make Republicans cool? Well, make the party less socially conservative, for a start. Then ban Christmas sweaters and similar Republican accessories. Next, find a really hip elephant to pose for the party's new logo.

Tuesday, January 20, 2004

Thanks, Molly, for taking my comments to new levels of deepness

But I'd have to object. I'm just not seeing the Lincoln thing. He was tall, which is nice, and he died a freaky-tragic death, which could give him a certain James Dean/John Lennon appeal, but really, the hat wasn't so cool, and the beard (he had a beard, right?) isn't the best either. I'm gonna have to go with Woodrow Wilson-elegant, at least from the pictures of him I just Googled to make sure he's the one I thought he was.

Good for Edwards! Or the Teeny-Bopper Guide to the Primaries

Looks like my favorite Dem, the hottie John Edwards (why else would I pick him?) has beaten out mean-spiritied (and not all that attractive) Howard Dean. If the country is led by a man whose looks are nothing to be ashamed of, well, perhaps those who hate us across the globe will think twice before hating a country with such an attractive guy at the helm. Closed societies may open once they hear that he's our new president (it could happen). I don't know too many rabid England-haters, and Tony Blair is not bad, as I learned from watching too much C-Span in high school.

(Oh, and Kerry apparantly beat out both Edwards and Dean. Ah well.)

Thursday, January 15, 2004

Funny banging sound from upstairs

It's been going on for a while now, not even blaring Rufus covers it up. Maybe whoever lives upstairs has discovered "mind sex." Or maybe he or she is constructing a to-scale model of Versailles.

Wednesday, January 14, 2004

Listenin' to Rufus, Eatin' a Twix, Reading the Times online

David Denby on his new wife, in the NYT Style section:
"She is tall and blonde," he said. "I mean, wow."

Monday, January 12, 2004

A reluctant return to Chicago

Oh, how painful it is to come back and find that the dogs here (to say nothing of the students) are under-accessorized, that the workload is not negligible, that I can thus no longer get 14 hours of sleep a night. Other than that, I'm enjoying it back here, liking my classes, etc. More importantly, Aaron and I are starting a magazine-we need all the help we can get!

In other news... legal immigrants, Clark's lookin' good for the ladies, Bush is still a Republican despite all the good-hearted people begging for him to give it up. If this is where you get your news, sorry, that's it for tonight.

Never a blog post around when you need one!

Will Baude thinks we're too intermittent. Unfortunately, I'd have to agree. He also thinks that Phoebe's charming. Again, I'd have to agree. Sorry, Will. We'll try and do better.

Tuesday, January 06, 2004

Are blogs the new pogs?

Someone recently suggested to me that blogs are the new pogs, that those of us who, in sixth grade or so, liked to play with colorful cardboard circles now entertain ourselves by letting other bored people in on our poorly-thought out (and poorly-spelled) opinions.