Tuesday, June 01, 2004

Is it Red Lobster, or is it a New York drinking fountain?

It turns out that NY tap water isn't kosher:

"These rabbis have recently discovered that there are tiny creatures, called copepods, in the unfiltered water that streams into the city from upstate. These tiny organisms are harmless. But they are crustaceans. And crustaceans are not considered kosher."

I disagree with these rabbis--if the thing can't be turned into tempura, put into a paella, or killed in a trap, it's not a crustacean.

The article then takes a turn for the disgusting:

"'It would be like swallowing a couple of gnats if you were outdoors on a summer evening,' Mr. Cohen said. 'But it's not like you're ingesting thousands of them.'"

"Laser Shum, of Midwood, is still drinking tap water.'If you take a microscope, you'll see a lot of things you don't want to see,' Mr. Shum said."

Amen to that.


Blogger Nick said...


I mean, I'm a microbiologist, but ewwwww!

June 1, 2004 at 5:19 PM  

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