Monday, December 01, 2003

A Step in the Right Direction

There are two principle areas where Bush has been a has been hipocritical: the budget and on trade. It looks as though the administration is making a solid step to reverse the latter. To be honest, I'm not sure I know enough to comment on whether or not steel subsidies were a good idea, but I tend to be of the mind that if a business is struggling, it's better to let it be defeated then to waste money and capital keeping it alive with government assistence. It only acts as a drain on the economy, forcing money and labor to be diverted from other possible uses that could actually compete on an international scale. Like I said, I'm a novice with global economic issues. If you'd like to go from a "know-nothing" to a novice, I recommend this book. It's fun, it's short, and you might learn something.


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