Friday, November 28, 2003

The NYT is fab, but...

In reference to nothing in particular...
The Times has a way of making you feel guilty for being too rich while making you feel ashamed of yourself for being too poor. How does the paper do this? By offering tales of homeless children (whose lives are soooo much worse than those of your obnoxious soccer-playing, Kaplan-course-taking brats) while writing homages to people like the late socialite C. Z. Guest (a "Boston Brahmin," as if anyone these days knows of cares what that means), who apparantly was classy and understatedly loaded in a way that socialites in today's world of improper breeding could never be. Since most NYT readers fall somewhere between "homeless" and "Boston Brahmin," the paper aims, it seems, at making its readership feel uncomfortable in its own skin.


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